Data Governance Tools

Data governance tools are required to sustain over the long term and increase the capabilities of a business.

Data Discovery and Management

Organizations actively use both structured (products, human resource management, finance, etc.) and unstructured (legal documents and requirement analysis from regulators) data. There are many Data discovery and Classification tools available in the market. These tools are capable of indexing, searching, and analyzing both structured and unstructured data sources. The following are a few benefits:

•    Data discovery and Classification tool solutions are in compliance with EU (European Union) and GDPR (general data protection regulation). It enables security operations, compliance, and access to automation features. These tools have the capability to monitor access based on categorization and classification.

•    Part of DDMS (data discovery and management software) extracts and provides detailed metadata, content, and contextual information for reference; guidance to improve regulatory compliance; for risk management, and storage management and data analytic capabilities. Formerly known as file analytics, the renamed and improved (document management software) DDMS has added data sources and capabilities. This helps in enforcement and update of policies, procedures, and remediation actions.

•    DDC (Data Discovery and Classification) tools solutions enable an organization to manage repositories, search documents, and find metadata of unstructured/structured data in cloud, hybrid, or on-premises. This increases the searchability of disparate and unorganized sources of information.

•    DDMS solutions allow security and compliance teams to improve insights about policy adherence, including personal information (PI) data; increases visibility of data sources; data ownership; and creates data visualization maps to better identify the value and risk of the data.

•    DDMS solutions reduce business risk by safeguarding sensitive data and identifying access permission issues. Some of the actions, like data breach, data exfiltration, and personal data (PD) and intellectual property (IP) exposure, can lead to auditing and regulatory fines. Identification of sensitive data and implementation of effective data management initiatives will lower business risk and increase efficiency and effectiveness of storage utilization.

•    Identifying and removing redundant and outdated files increases storage efficiency. The tool is capable of identifying sensitive data and implementing effective data management initiatives. The DDMS solution enables data tracing, including where it resides and who has access to it, and has ability to explore data for driving business decisions.

Tools: Spirion; Congruity360

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